Monday, January 3, 2011

First day back to work: Hubband-Style

So, as I type this I realize I'm in a rather unusual humor this morning. I've had "this isn't right; it's not even fair, really..." running through my head since I took this photo but it's just not making any difference.  I have to post it.

I'm an early riser.  Clearly, Hubband is not.

Just to further the proof that my sense of humor is slightly skewed this morning, I challenge you to find the one thing in this photo that makes me laugh even harder than Hubband hiding his head under a pillow to avoid hearing his cell phone alarm which goes off every 10 minutes.  I've heard it go off at least 8 times already. 
No? You don't see it? It's the rather large bottle of hand lotion appropriately sitting next to the box of Kleenex. For those of you who don't get the humor in this... I'm sorry. I'm not going to explain it to you. For those of you who do get it, let it be said: "My Hubband is a satisfied man. It's simply a case of sophomoric humor causing me to note something so mundane on a man's bedside table".

I should go try to be a grown up now. I have a job to do after all...


  1. Wow... really?!?

    This is how 2011 is going to be, eh?

  2. You guys are hysterical!! Clearly he needs to get his own public forum to pay back the favor... :)

  3. I'm going to have to build a whole website around it.

    Something like:
    for short. :)

  4. Brilliant! I look forward to it, Hubband. All I can say is "Bring it"!
