Friday, December 3, 2010

30 minus 7 days!

Following yesterday's post, here is lucky #7!

Reason #7
I don't do what I don't love. Seems obvious, right? But I'll bet there are things that you don't love but you do anyway? I'm SO over that.

I don't love running. I tried it last year, and it was OK, but I didn't love it.  So, I don't do it anymore. I don't love attending events alone, so I don't. If I don't have a "date", I don't go. I don't read the whole book if I don't like the way it starts and I don't finish my meal if I don't like it.  

I don't clean up the dogs poop (Hubband does it) and I don't clean the bathroom. Thank goodness for Hubbands, eh? I do (for the record, though) do all the vacuuming and dusting. We share dishes, making the bed and laundry.  I'm not sure why I feel the need to justify this to you, but I do.  

I don't hang out with people I'm not comfortable with and I don't try to maintain friendships "just 'cuz I should". I don't drink milk and I don't visit houses that have cats (these two are completely un-related).  

All in all, I feel I've got a healthy balance of doing things I love, and not doing things I don't love. I still do go to the dentist, and no one loves that, but that's just a hygiene thing. Tomorrow is Reason #6. If you've been following my blog for more than two months you can likely guess what it is. It starts with a "C".

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